Wooden pallets



Pallet dimensions: 1200 x 800 x 144 mm
Load capacity: 1500 Kg

Detailne normované palety typu EUR zodpovedajú predpisom Medzinárodnej železničnej únie (UIC) a Európskej paletovej asociácie (EPAL) ktoré sú vzájomne zameniteľné. Samotné europalety sa používajú už vyše šesť desaťročí a je to najrozšírenejší variant na svete. Fixne stanovené rozmery vychádzajú zo štandardizovanej veľkosti železničných vagónov. Minimálna nosnosť europaliet sa začína na 1000 kg pri nerovnomernom rozložení tovaru. Cez obvykle deklarovanú nosnosť 1500 kg (pri rovnomernom rozložení) sa dostáva až na úroveň 2000 kg, čo sa týka celistvej formy záťaže a jej rovnomerného doliehania celou plochou na úložný priestor. Maximálne dodatočné zaťaženie, tzv. statické, pri stohovaní je až 4000 kg. Na hranoloch sú vypálené identifikačné značky UIC EUR/EPAL, kód krajiny pôvodu, registračné číslo miestneho ochranného úradu, evidenčné údaje o výrobcovi, rok vyhotovenia a spôsob ochrany proti drevokazom.


Pallet dimensions: 1200 x 800 x 144 mm
Load capacity: 1500 Kg

The detailed standardised EUR pallets comply with the regulations of the International Union of Railways (UIC) and the European Pallet Association (EPAL), and are interchangeable. Euro pallets themselves have been in use for over six decades and are the most widely used variant in the world. Fixed dimensions are based on standardised railway wagon sizes. The minimum load capacity of Euro pallets starts at 1,000 kg with uneven distribution of goods. The typically declared load capacity of 1500 kg (when evenly loaded) goes up to a capacity of 2000 kg, which refers to the compact form of the load and its even distribution over the entire surface of the storage space. The maximum additional load, the so-called static load, when stacked is up to 4000 kg. On the blocks are burnt: the UIC EUR/EPAL identification marks, the country of origin code, the registration number of the local protection authority, the manufacturer's registration data, the year of manufacture and a protection method against wood pests.

Chemical pallets


Pallet dimensions: 1200 x 1000 mm
Load capacity: 1200 Kg

For this type of pallets we offer the option of drying and heat treatment IPPC (ISPM 15) and also certification EPAL CP1.


Pallet dimensions: 1200 x 1000 mm
Load capacity: 1200 Kg

For this type of pallets we offer the option of drying and heat treatment IPPC (ISPM 15) and also certification EPAL CP2.


Pallet dimensions: 1140 x 1140 mm
Load capacity: 1200 Kg

For this type of pallets we offer the option of drying and heat treatment IPPC (ISPM 15) and also certification EPAL CP3.



Pallet dimensions: 800 x 600 x 160 mm
Load capacity: 500 Kg

Can be handled from 4 sides. Pallets are manufactured in compliance with DIN 15146. The boards are riveted, the legs are metal. The pallet has a long service lifetime. We offer the possibility of drying and heat treatment of pallets according to European standard (ISPM 15, IPPC).


Disposable pallets

Pallet dimensions: 800x600mm,1200x800mm,1200x1000mm
Load capacity: 500 Kg

Atypical pallets /disposable pallets/ according to specific customer requirements, which can be thermally treated according to European standards (ISPM 15, IPPC).

Atypical pallet

Pallet dimensions: 1200 x 1000 mm
Load capacity: 1250 Kg

For this type of pallet we offer also certification EPAL 2 with IPPC (ISPM 15).

Atypical pallet

Pallet dimensions: 1000 x 1200 mm
Load capacity: 1250 Kg

For this type of pallet we offer also certification EPAL 3 with IPPC (ISPM 15).

Atypical pallet

Pallet dimensions: 800 x 600 mm
Load capacity: 750 Kg

For this type of pallet we offer also certification EPAL 6 with IPPC (ISPM 15).

Atypical pallet

Pallet dimensions: 800 x 600 mm
Load capacity: 500 Kg

For this type of pallet we offer also certification EPAL 7 with IPPC (ISPM 15).

Smarts pallets

Smart paleta

Smart pallet is a new product that, apart from the basic functionality of transporting and storing goods, is also an information carrier, a sensor system, a logistics data exchange node. Smart pallet offers many possible configuration options. Thanks to the use of innovative technology, the pallet communicates with external devices. It can identify the pallet serial number, transport document reference number, operation history, form and ownership. In the context of logistics management systems, data about the logistics process is exchanged. For further info, please feel free to contact us.

information about the company

MNF s.r.o.
so sídlom Lipského 6, 841 01 Bratislava,
IČO: 48186414
IČ DPH: SK2120085088

Račianska 92, 831 02 Bratislava
(Wir sind kein stationärer Laden)

Contact details

František Vančo

+421 948 590 758
Natália Smandrová
+421 917 834 617


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